Creator: Date Created: Place Created: Keywords:H Tracy Hall Inc,Missle Supply,Sears Context:invoices ************************************************** ( DATE OVERDUE BRANCH REFERENCE NO. CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE > 4-16-74 4-17-7 4 90 90 0021832 0021863 123.16 55.18 .00 .00 123. 16 55 .1 8 * ju >y< J- fi M * f i ■ • * ^ 4 7Z r L k TJ rn > cr> m "D > -< —1 I cn > O I CURRENT CHARGES 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST DUE 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 178. 34 .0 0 .00 .00 .00 178.>4 MISSILE SUPPLY CO. invoice number 1863 255 WEST 7»h SOUTH - P.O. BOX 207 - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84110 CUST0MER ORDER NO. PHONE (801) 322-1226 msssi 90 90 P.O. BOX 101 VERBAL 4 17 74 DIViS. BRANCH SALES CAT. SALESMAN 308 £ 93 SOLD TO 990-'161605 93 SH,PT0 H TRA£Y HALL INC SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84110 TERMS 1 1% 10 D. NET 30 I P 0 BOX 755i J.MIVSRSIPY STATION PR0V0 UT___d4 604._________sa,f 1 1 120 120 6" x nh scotchbr ite type a red 0 44 ea 52 80 f 1 ne i 221 sales tax 4 501 stx 2 38 .......................______ ________ 55 18 0- ........................i SALES TAX I STATE 43 COUNTY 35 CITY 00 r inspection and opinion of the seller, can be made upon all merchandise returned (or credit. Merchandise returned for credit must be returned within a 7 day period and accompanied by our Invoice Number and date of purchase. A FINANCE CHARGE of 1}% per month which is an (ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18%) will be charged on all past due accounts. Items on this invoice are subject to all conditions on the reverse side including those limiting warranties. PLMSE M¥ TXfc i*ST AMOUNt iM THIS COLUMN ORIGINAL ©RS3M5 MISSILE SUPPLY CO. invoice number A-21832 255 WEST 7th SOUTH - P.O. BOX 207 - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84110 CUSTOMER ORDER NO. DATE PHONE (801) 322-1226 P.O. BOX 101 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84110 SOLD TO SHIP TO 161605 93 _H TRA'Y A 1, VE RBAL 4 16 74 DIVIS. BRANCH 90 90 SALES CAT. SALESMAN 308 193 B TERMS i% 10 D . NET 30 a I 0 BOX 7533 U JIVSRSm STATION CAMr -B&m.---U«:-----ti'lbG^-----------------------------------------------------...........—-.....- —..... SAME SHIP VIA will call i PRODUCT *EM CODE OUR ORDER NO. X NUMBER DESCRIPTION 950 insta-lok holder devcon f repair kit tubes 50C gr. 7 x 7/8 san0ing disc 100C gr. 'ditto 24d gr. ditto stock 17205 us 3 3| x 17215 us3 3i x hpb-307s 33761 .014 .020 w i re w i re wheel wheel 100-006 caliper yuasa wire brush dial vernier 6" 1 MINI 2 GLUE glue gun sticks mixed SALES TAX signed for SALE S TAX STATE 43 COUNTY 35 CITY 00 A 10% handling or resioctong charge, after inspection and opinion of the seller, can be made upon all merchandise returned for credit. Merchandise returned lor credit must be returned within a 7 day period and accompanied by our Invoice Number and date of purchase. A FINANCE CHARGE of per month which is an (ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18%) will be charged on all past due accounts. Items on this invoice are subject to all conditions on the reverse side including those limiting warranties. PU*5« P»» T»i 1*51 »«0vm m IM'> eotuMM ORIGINAL ©R53645 w 002729 date issued SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. Retail Credit Check CUSTOMER COPY ADDRESS CITY STATE NO OR NAME Of STORE CARRYING ACCI CASH SRC SC CLC EAA MCA E.P. DIV SOLD BY DATE OF SALE DESCRJffllON ON EASY PAYMENT SALES ADD FINANCE CHARGE □ return Q-^llowance □ sales cancellation □ ep.accts.-disc "□ acct. overpayment q cash down payment retu (attach shipping copy] customer's reason: ACCOUNT NUMBER NAME (PRINT 'iUt'jjH, for shopping at Sears SHIPPER COPY 916543 09sE'°825 230073.02 B SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Sears ACCEPTED 8Y DELIVERY DATE ADDRESS _ CITY_ ACCOUNT NUMBER SELLING STORE NO. NAME ADDRESS APT. CITY PHONE . SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS QsTORE STOCK Q STORE WHSE. | |cONT. STORE | |PQQL STOCK THIS IS PART This purchase is made under my Sears Revolving Charge Security Agreement/Retail Installment Contract for the credit sales price consisting of the cash price plus the Finance Charge. This order is subject to the approval of the Credit Sales Dept. of Sears. Roebuck and Co. Purchased By:_ tI MM 2260-001 IF 2250 SflC PCT) REV. 8-70 PLEASE RETAIN THIS SALES CHECK FOR COMPARISON TO STATEMENT OR IN CASE OF RETURN OR EXCHANGE. Account Nq._ Nome Address SRC r iCDviMr. A^rrutniT _ Sears SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. 87168 CAPPYING ACCOUNT CLC pLuit This purchase DATE seutNG sro«E no DIV. ACCEPIf D BY SAlfS NO his purchase is made under my Seors Revolving Charge Security Agreement/Retail Instalment Contract for the credit sales price consisting of the cash price plus the Finance Charge. This order is subject to the approval of the Credit Sales Dept. of Seors, Roebuck and Co. SIGNATURE. IN CASE OF ERROR, RETURN OR EXCHANGE, THIS SALES CHECK MUST BE PRESENTED. SHIPPER COPY Authentication -► TOTAL PLEASE RETAIN THIS COPY FOR COMPARISON WITH YOUR MONTHLY STATEMENT. 4136 001 F4436 i REV ? 73 CD Account No. Sears SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. Name Address 87169 SRC CLC EAA WtA CASH DATE__DIV_ SELLING STQRf NO ACCEPTED.BY SALE5 NO his purchase is made under my Sears Revolving Charge Security Agreement/Retail Instalment Contract for the credit sales price consisting of the cosh price plus the Finance Charge. This order is subject to the approval of the Credit Sales Dept. of Sears, Roebuck and Co SIGNATURE. es Dept. ot bears, Roebuck and < IN CASE OF ERROR. RETURN OR EXCHANGE. THIS SALES CHECK MUST BE PRESENTED PLEASE RETAIN THIS COPY FOR COMPARISON WITH YOUR MONTHLY STATEMENT. TOTAL 4436 001 IF4436-11 REV. 2*7, Account No. Name Address Sears SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. SRC CIC EAA MCA CASH SHIPPER COPY Authentication This purchase is mode under my Sears Revolving Chorge Security Agreement/Retail Instalment Contract for the credit sales price consisting of the cash price plus the Finance Charge This order is subject to the approval of the Credit Sales Dept. of Sears, Roebuck and Co. SIGNATURE. IN CASE OF ERROR. RETURN OR EXCHANGE, THIS SALES CHECK MUST BE PRESENTED. PLEASE RETAIN THIS COPY FOR COMPARISON WITH YOUR MONTHLY STATEMENT. BIN NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION ORDERED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 1-8130 D 09 9-1745 V BELT EA 7,98 STORE DIV ORDER NO. CUSTOMER LINES DAY DATE 0211 8 09 1324224 TRACY 01 16 04/16 Sears ROftUCK A 1. SHIPPER OR SOURCE COPY ND CO 05 PLUS STATE TOTAL SELLING $7.98 AND LOCAL SALES TAX, IF ANY PLEASE DO NOT REMIT AMOUNT SHOWN